Ginny Longbotham


Pledge to Clients: Win-Win or No Deal! Communication to all. Home buying and selling should be fun and exciting, not stressful.

Professional Experience: CRS, CNE, NM Select, Board of Directors for Casa Esperanza. Licensed since 1981, resident of Albuquerque since 1979

Education: Licensed Realtor
Council of Residential Specialists
Certified Negotiation Expert

Outside Interests: Travel, gardening and wine.Board of Directors for Casa Esparanza

Personal Information: Enjoy life-living each moment as if it was my last. Biking, travel, just enjoy doing nothing, reading, wine with friends and family.

Position: Associate Broker
Phone: 505. 280.2660
Email: ginnylin@comcast.net
Link: www.realestatebyginny.com